Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) is one of the premier research and development organization of the country. PCSIR has a network of 17 research laboratories/ units including training institutes located all over the country in Federal as well as all provincial capitals. Several laboratories of PCSIR are ISO-17025 accredited and some are under the accreditation process. The council laboratories are providing testing & certification services to almost entire industrial sector and most of the exportable products are being tested/ certified by its ISO-17025 accredited labs. The thrust areas of PCSIR research touches almost all the sectors of the economy including energy, food, food safety, advance and composite material, leather, textile, herbal medicines and value addition in products.
Major Objectives
- Utilization of indigenous resources for the development and promotion of industrial sector leading to import substitution and export enhancement.
- To carry out self-sustaining and marketable research to contribute in the industrialization and economic growth of country and human resource development through organized training courses.